Data Management
Section 11.1.14 Delete Zip File
Section 11.1.14 Delete Zip File To delete a box the uploaded zip file must also be deleted. Select Delete Zip file and provide a note as to the reason for deleting the box. A deletion note is required. You must also confirm that you want to delete ...
Section 11.1.3 Update OCR
Section 11.1.3 Update OCR Modifications to the Line Recognition configuration will require the reprocessing of OCR for the images. This feature groups the text into lines and paragraphs and is displayed in a more human readable format and improves ...
Section 11.1.2 Data Management Update Attributes
Section 11.1.2 Update Indices There are times that the attributes (indices) will require an update. If a regular expression, list, or the taxonomy are changed, if an attribute is added to the project, etc. There are different levels that indices can ...
Section 11.1.1 Monitor Upload Status
Section 11.1 Data Management Monitoring Levels Data Management is organized by Levels in a Workspace. In a Workspace there are Project, Collections, Sessions, Records, Images and lastly attributes that make up the index of a record. Data Management ...
Section 11 Data Management
Data Management Data Management allows administrators to watch sessions and keep data synchronized with changes to the configuration by rebuilding data at various levels. Section 11.2 Data Management Monitoring Levels Data Management is organized by ...