Section 6.9 Action Feature Set (Roadmap)

Section 6.9 Action Feature Set (Roadmap)

Section 6.9      Action Feature Set (Roadmap)

Action features either elicit an action or call for an action to be taken. Elicit actions include tags and notes where a QC Flag is a call to action.

Section 6.9.1                  QC Flag  (Roadmap)

The QC Flag allows the reviewer to communicate with the operator capturing the images to either reprocess or append, add to, a specific image and/or record. The QC Flag sends a message to the operator. We encourage the quality review process to occur within 24 hours of the record appearing on the review platform. The QC flag requires a message to convey the information as well as an action request. The following actions can be requested: add image, replace image. Do not use the QC flag to show the condition of a record that cannot be corrected through adding to the record or reprocessing the record. Record conditions should be added as a tag or a note to the record.

Section          Tag a Record/Image (Roadmap)

A user can add a tag to a record. Tags can be public or private. Tags allow users to mark records with a commonality. Private tags can only be viewed by the user that added the tag. A private tag can be made public if needed.

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