Section 6.13 Custom Workflow Buttons (Roadmap)

Section 6.13 Custom Workflow Buttons (Roadmap)

Section 6.13           Custom Workflow Buttons (Roadmap)

Custom Workflow Buttons can be added to the attributes tile for advancing a record to the next step in a workflow. Refer to Custom Workflow Button Settings for configuration.

Section 6.13.1                  Custom Workflow Button Settings (Roadmap)

Administrators can set up custom buttons on the Review page to advance records from one step in a workflow to the next step. The configuration of those buttons is built into the Review Page under settings.

Section          Button Name (Roadmap)

The name of the button should be descriptive but short. For example, if the workflow is advancing a record from review to approval and then from approval to done then create a button named Reviewed for the first step and Approved for the last step.

Section         Set Workflow Attribute Value (Roadmap)

The button can set the value of an Attribute. For example, you may want an attribute named Workflow Step. The button would update the value of the attribute by appending the latest workflow step completed or overwrite the value with the last workflow step completed.

Section         Button Color (Roadmap)

The color of the button can be customized. You should choose contrasting colors for the button and text. For example, if the button color is black choose a light color text such as white.

Section         Button Text Color (Roadmap)

The color of the button text can be customized. You should choose contrasting colors for the button and text. For example, if the button color is black choose a light color text such as white.

Section         Authorized User Group

The administrator can restrict which users, groups or roles have access to custom buttons. This is beneficial when the workflow is hierarchical and users with lower privileges do not see the workflow buttons for a user, group, or role they do not belong to. This ensures the integrity of the workflow process.

Section        Record/Image/Specific Attribute Visibility

There are two levels of attributes in WIB Review. The record attributes and Image Attributes

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