Section 5.2 Search Bar and Query Syntax

Section 5.2 Search Bar and Query Syntax

The search bar performs a search across the attributes, OCR and the search database for the text specified. The search bar supports search query language searches and term modifiers. More search options are provided under Advanced Search.

Section 5.2.1                   Search Bar Query Syntax with Term Modifiers

Advanced users who understand how to create a search with term modifiers can use the search bar to perform advanced searches. For those users who are not familiar with or are unsure of how to build query syntax with term modifiers, there is an Advanced Search builder.

Term Modifiers

Search Type



Wildcard Search
- Multiple Characters

a multiple character wildcard search uses the "*" symbol


Wildcard Search
-Single Character

a single character wildcard search uses the "?" symbol


Fuzzy Search

search for a term similar in spelling

value 0 to 1

Fuzzy Search
(optional parameter)

follows tilde (~) in a fuzzy search the closer the value is to 1 the higher similarity will be matched. If the parameter is not set the default value is 0.5.


Proximity Search

within n words from each other


Prohibit Operator

excludes documents that have the term after the "-" symbol


Required Operator

requires that the term after the "+" symbol exist somewhere in a document

“ “

Exact Term and/or Phrase Search

A word (term) or group of words and symbols (phrase) enclosed in double quotes searches for EXACTLY that. This is important if what is being sought has term modifiers (i.e., SSN format of 123-45-6789 must be enclosed as “123-45-6789” since the ‘-‘ symbol is a term modifier.)


AND Operator

matches documents where both terms exist. The & symbol can be used in place of the word AND


OR Operator

links two terms and finds a matching document if either of the terms exist in a document


NOT Operator

excludes documents that have the term after NOT. The ‘!’ can be used in place of the word NOT.



group clauses to form sub queries

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