Export Destinations allows for
pushing export packages to AWS S3 buckets, Azure Storage Blobs, and/or an FTP
Site. The automation/scheduling of exports requires a destination definition.
Each destination type (AWS, Azure, FTP etc.) has requirements that are
presented when setting up a connection.
Section 13.5.1 Create Export Destination
Export targets allow you to specify a custom destination for the export package to be saved.
Section Name
Name the export destination in a manner that is standardized and allows for sorting and/or quickly identifying the destination definition. For example, including the repository in the Name will allow for sorting the Export destinations. Keep the Name short and leverage the description for more detailed information.
Section Description (Optional)
Describe the destination in a manner that gives another user a detailed enough description to determine the content. This expands on the name and allows for more detailed information about the content.
Section Type
There are three (3) destination types, AWS, Azure, FTP. If you require a different destination type, contact us at support@radixdata.com and request a new destination.
Section AWS S3 Bucket
Enter the Access Key Id, Secret Access Key, Region Name, and Bucket Name for the S3 Bucket.
Section Bucket Name & Region
The Name and Region are assigned when creating an S3 Bucket. Contact your IT Department for assistance with the name and region for the S3 Bucket if you are not creating the Bucket yourself.
Section Access Key Id & Secret Access Key
This information is found under the account/Security credentials. Create a key if one does not exist.
Section AWS Subdirectory Path
Set the path to subdirectories in the Path field. The export will go to the patch specified.
Section 13.5.2 Manual Export Destination
The export package destination can be manually set when an export package is created. See Section 13.1 Creating an Export Package
Section 13.5.3 Export Automation Destination
The export package destination can be set for a scheduled export package. See Section 13.3 Schedule an Export.