Once an Export Package is created it can be downloaded from the Exports page. Each export is listed on the grid. Selecting an export will launch the Export Package Details page where all the information from the export definition is displayed along a box count, image count, package size, the user who create the export, the date the export was create and the boxes in the export package.The export package destination can be manually set when an export package is created. See Section 13.1 Creating an Export Package
Section 13.4.2 Export Automation Destination
The export package destination can be set for a scheduled export package. The number of records in the exports can also be set. See Section 13.2.19 Allow Take Parameter.
Section 13.4.3 Export Snapshot Files
The export snapshot files enable auditing of the export content. These files are included with the export package.Note: The snapshots inherit the export package retention. When the export package is deleted, so are the snapshots.Section Snapshot-results
The snapshot-results JSON file contains the images in the export that match the query parameters.
"Id": 1871,
"BoxZipfileId": 11,
"ActiveBoxImageRotationId": null,
"HasBeenExported": true,
"ExportedText": true,
"ExportedImage": true,
"ExportedMetadata": true,
"BlobUri": "wib-qa10/Test/Test/sysadmin-03_202208111112/DEMO-0001/front.jpg",
"Filename": "front.jpg",
"ImageType": "front",
"ScanLocation": "0, 0",
"DateCreated": "2023-08-28T19:15:19.95",
"DateCaptured": "2022-08-11T11:16:05.607"
"Id": 1872,
"BoxZipfileId": 11,
"ActiveBoxImageRotationId": null,
"HasBeenExported": true,
"ExportedText": true,
"ExportedImage": true,
"ExportedMetadata": true,
"BlobUri": "wib-qa10/Test/Test/sysadmin-03_202208111112/DEMO-0001/left.jpg",
"Filename": "left.jpg",
"ImageType": "left",
"ScanLocation": "0, 0",
"DateCreated": "2023-08-28T19:15:19.95",
Section Snapshot-configuration
The snapshot-configuration JSON file contains the Export Configuration at the time the export is created.
"Id": 2,
"Dpi": 600,
"Retention": 30,
"Grayscale": false,
"IncludeText": true,
"IncludeImages": true,
"IncludeMetadata": true,
"IncludeExportHistory": true,
"AllowTake": false,
"TextDelimiter": "\"",
"ColumnDelimiter": ",",
"Name": "QA Testing",
"Description": "",
"ColumnOrder": "[{\"name\":\"Box Barcode\"},{\"name\":\"Image Filename\"},{\"name\":\"Image Path\"},{\"name\":\"FileID\"},{\"name\":\"API\"},{\"name\":\"Image Notes\"},{\"name\":\"Box Notes\"},{\"name\":\"Session Notes\"}]",
"ColumnHeadings": "{\"Keywords\":\"Keywords\",\"API\":\"API\"}",
"XmlEncoding": "{}",
"Format": "XLS",
"AttributeInclusion": "Both",
"DateCreated": "2023-07-28T00:53:02.2666667"
Section Snapshot-query
The snapshot-query JSON file contains the query parameters at the time the export was created.
"ExportPackageConfigurationId": 2,
"AllowTake": false,
"Name": "DEMO-0001",
"Username": "cjulich@edisus.com",
"Querystring": "{\"query\":\"DEMO-0001\",\"searchIn\":[],\"imageTypes\":[],\"boxId\":null,\"imageId\":null,\"projectId\":null,\"sessionId\":null,\"collectionId\":null,\"tagId\":null,\"savedSearchId\":null,\"attributeType\":\"both\",\"attributeFilter\":\"{\\\"logic\\\":\\\"and\\\",\\\"filters\\\":[{\\\"field\\\":\\\"Barcode\\\",\\\"operator\\\":\\\"eq\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"DEMO-0001\\\"}]}\",\"skip\":0,\"take\":50,\"sort\":null,\"fields\":null,\"viewMode\":2}",
"Description": "",
"ExportTargetIds": [],
"EmailRecipients": []