Section 13.3 Schedule an Export
Exports can occur on a set schedule automating the creation of an export package. Select Schedules to create a new export schedule.
Section 13.3.1 Name
Name the export schedule in a manner that is standardized and allows for sorting and/or quickly identifying the content. For example, including the frequency in the Name will allow for sorting the Export Packages in order of frequency. Keep the Name short and leverage the description for more detailed information about the export schedule
Section 13.3.2 Description
Describe the export schedule content in a manner that gives another user a detailed enough description to determine the content. This expands on the name and allows for more detailed information about the content.
Section 13.3.3 Query
JSON view of the query that will create the scheduled export package. The best way to create the query is to perform a search, create an export in the search, and copy the query to the schedule. Running a query for those records with a value of FALSE for ‘Has been exported’ will produce a search result for all the records that have not been exported. The query results for the example is as follows:
{"query":"","sorts":["score desc"],"searchIn":[],"imageTypes":[],"boxId":null,"imageId":null,"projectId":null,"sessionId":null,"collectionId":null,"savedSearchId":null,"attributeType":"both","attributeFilter":"{\"logic\":\"and\",\"filters\":[{\"field\":\"HasBeenExported\",\"operator\":\"eq\",\"value\":false}]}"}
Copy this from the Create an Export dialog and paste it into the Export Schedule query field.
Section 13.3.4 CRON Expression
A crontab expression is a very compact way to express a recurring schedule. A single expression is composed of 5 space-delimited fields:
Section CRON Expression Format
The link takes you to an article that fully explains the CRON Expression format. Quick explanation of each fields is as follows:
Each field is expressed as follows:
A single wildcard (*), which covers all values for the field. So, a * in days means all days of a month (which varies with month and year).
A single value, e.g., 5. Naturally, the set of values that are valid for each field varies.
A comma-delimited list of values, e.g., 1,2,3,4. The list can be unordered as in 3,4,2,6,1.
A range where the minimum and maximum are separated by a dash, e.g., 1-10. You can also specify these in the wrong order, and they will be fixed. So, 10-5 will be treated as 5-10.
An interval specification using a slash, e.g., */4. This means every 4th value of the field. You can also use it in a range, as in 1-6/2.
You can also mix all of the above, as in 1-5,10,12,20-30/5
The table below lists the valid values for each field:
Zero (0) is not valid. Month names are also accepted.
Where zero (0) means Sunday. Names of days are also accepted.
Two fields also accept named values in English: MONTHS and DAYS-OF-WEEKS. So, you can use names like January, February, March and so on for MONTHS and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on for DAYS-OF-WEEK. The names are not case-sensitive, and you can even use short forms like Jan, Feb, Mar or Mon, Tue, Wed.
Use the link to test your CRON expression.
Section 13.3.5 Export Package Configuration
One the schedule is configured, identify which configuration is used for the schedule. Use the drop down to select the configuration to run on the schedule just set.
Section 13.3.6 Export Notification – Email Recipients
Email Notifications for exports can be set up under the Export Schedule or added to a manual export from the Search and Review page. Users with access to the workspace are available in a drop-down menu and can also be added manually.
The email recipients will receive an email notification containing the Export package name, size, image count, and the configuration used to create the export. A link to the destination site is provided in the email. The export inventory is attached to the email. The export inventory contains a listing of each container and the associated image count.