Section 11.1.2 Data Management Update Attributes

Section 11.1.2 Data Management Update Attributes

Section 11.1.2                  Update Indices

There are times that the attributes (indices) will require an update. If a regular expression, list, or the taxonomy are changed, if an attribute is added to the project, etc. There are different levels that indices can be updated. Indices can be updated at the Collection and/or Session level and in some instances for third-party applications. Contact to inquire if a third-party application is connected through an API to the update feature.

Section             Collection Level Update in WIB Review

To update all records at a collection level from the Collection Level Stats Grid, select the collection and rebuild attributes.

Section            Collection Level Update in Third-Party Application

To update all records stored in a third-party application, first rebuild the attributes (earlier step) then overlay the new values in the third-party application. This assumes there is an API for the third-party application. If the values do not update in the third-party application, please contact to make sure the third-party application update has been configured.

Section            Session Level Update in WIB Review

To update all records at a session level, select the collection from the Collection Level Status Grid, then select a session from the Session Level Stats Grid, last select rebuild attributes.

Section            Session Level Update in Third-Party Application

To update all records stored in a third-party application, first rebuild the attributes (earlier step) at the session level then overlay the new values in the third-party application. This assumes there is an API for the third-party application. If the values do not update in the third-party application, please contact to make sure the third-party application update has been configured.

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