Data Management is organized by Levels in a Workspace. In a Workspace there are Project, Collections, Sessions, Records, Images and lastly attributes that make up the index of a record. Data Management allows administrators to watch uploads at the collection, session, and box level. Administrators can update record indices at the Collection and Session Level.
Section 11.1.1 Monitor Upload Status
Project Managers, Team Leads, Administrators, and if given access, End-Users may want to monitor the Upload and Photo Pipeline status. Data Management allows users with access to monitor the process in real time.
Section Collection Level Statistics
At the collection, the total sessions and record count along with the project name and deployed taxonomy are displayed in a grid. Select a collection to view the sessions uploaded to the collection.
Section Session Level Statistics
At the session level, the session ID, session note, status and stats for the session are displayed in a grid. The Session statistics include expected record count, received record total, records that have completed the upload process, total image count, errors, and fatal errors. Errors can be inspected at the Record Level.
Section Photo Pipeline Processes
The Photo Pipeline Process is the proprietary handling of images from the Capture Program on the WIB™ Unit to WIB™ Review. The Photo Pipeline is where the images are transmitted to WIB™ Review and prepared for end users. The following explains each step in the Photo Pipeline.
Section Upload
If there is an internet connection, records are transmitted to the photo pipeline as they are completed either on the WIB Unit or in the Mobile Application. Records are zipped prior to transmittal. A record either completely succeeds or completely fails during the transfer process because they are in zip files. A partial or part of a record cannot be uploaded. The WIB Unit and Mobile Application will make successive attempts to upload records until all are successful.
Section Virus Scan
The Photo Pipeline performs Hash Reputation based Malware detection by comparing hash values of newly uploaded files against the hash value of known viruses, trojans, spyware, and ransomware. For more information, please contact Unzip
When a complete record is successfully received it is then unzipped; images, session log and notes file are extracted from the zip file.
Section OCR
The extracted images are run through the OCR Engine.
Section Notes
The extracted notes file is processed, and metadata is stored in the system attributes for Notes.
Section Session Note
Session notes appear after the session ID in the navigation tree and in the session description under data administration in WIB Review. Notes are displayed in the scanner notes field of third-party applications (see 3rd Party Application Scanner Notes for more details). The user who captured the note along with the date/time stamp the note was created are captured as metadata in system fields.
Section Box Record Note
The record note information is stored in the system attributes for notes with a box record type. See below the System Attribute Label and the value stored in the attribute.
Section Image Note
The image note information is stored in the system attributes for notes with an image record type. See below the System Attribute Label and the value stored in the attribute.
System Attribute Label
Note Value Stored
Value Format
Note Text
Note User
User ID
Note Date Created
Date/Time mm:dd:yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM
Section Zip File Audit
The Photo Pipeline performs and audits the zip file content once unzipped. This is done by checking each image in the zip file against the capture log file to ensure that all images written to the log file are present in the zip fileSection Barcodes
The Photo Pipeline reads barcodes from images. This step will attempt to repair and read corrupt or incorrectly formatted barcodes. The barcodes are then available to view in the Barcodes widget. See Section 6.2.5 Barcodes
Section Attributes
During this step the Photo Pipeline runs the defined regular expressions against the OCR and inserts the extracted and system generated attributes into the database for each image processed through the Photo Pipeline.
Section Search Database
The complete OCR text is stored in the search database for future search queries.
Section Review Package
If the processed images and metadata are loaded into a third-party application a Review Package is created for import into the application. If a third-party application is not used, this step is skipped in the photo pipeline.
Section Review Platform
WIB Review checks the import process for delivering the records to a third-party application. Upon completion, the stepper will show the number of records in the session are available in the third-party application. This process is skipped if a third-party application is not used.
Section Session Audit
The session log is audited to ensure all records in the session have successfully processed through each step of the photo pipeline.
Section Record Level Status
A process stepper shows how many records have successfully completed each step in the upload and photo pipeline process. At the record level status, each record is listed with a status.
Section Green Status
Signifies successful upload and processing through the photo pipeline without errors.
Section Yellow status
Signifies successful upload and processing through the photo pipeline with errors.
Section Red status
Signifies a record with a fatal error during the upload or photo pipeline process. These records require further inspection and may require re-processing through one or more stages of the photo pipeline.
Section Photo Pipeline Error Handling
Should there be an error during the photo pipeline process, an administrator has the ability to perform steps to correct the error. In the event the following steps do not clear the error, please contact Radix Data support at or open a support ticket using the support widget.
Section Re-Process
Selecting Re-Process will process the session and/or box(es) through the photo pipeline. Navigate to the sessions grid by selecting the Collection, then the session(s), and then Re-process. These are the same steps and administrator will take to update the records after a Taxonomy change. To Re-process a specific box or boxes continue the process and select a session then the box or boxes within the session and then Re-Process.
Section Session/Box Audit
There may be an instance where the session or box audit needs to be run after re-processing and session or box. To run the audit process on a session, select the session from the Data Management session grid and then select Session Audit. To run the Session Audit for a box that was re-processed, select the box or boxes and then using the drop down change the Audit to Box and run the audit on the box(es).