Attributes allow end users to search and retrieve records in
the platform and through filtering and applying different search criteria
refine the results. They supply the foundation for retrieving records,
understanding the records, and using them. Establishing the right attributes
has been the deciding factor for records management success. If attributes are
not set up early on in a project costly rework can be needed to update the
attributes. WIB Review is built to retroactively update attributes without reprocessing
the records. Attributes are divided into two (2) groups, My Attributes and
System Attributes. You can only exclude attributes that are not used by the
Section 10.1.1 Overview
The Overview explains attributes and how they are created in WIB Review. You can refer to the Overview for metadata definitions for each section under Configuration Management.
Section New
Allows you to create a new attribute from the navigation tree.Section Attribute Properties
Section Label
This is the label that will appear as the heading of the column in the search grid and as the label for data entry or extracted values.
Section Description (optional)
The description is optional and only visible to administrators. Use the description to supply more information for future reference. An example of a description is label = State, description = the geographical state not a conditional state such as complete or in progress.
Section Data Type(s)
a particular kind of data item, as defined by the values it can take, the programming language used, or the operations that can be performed on it.
Section String
A set of characters that can also have spaces and numbers.
Section Date
Stores a calendar date.
Section Date/Time
Stores a calendar date and time
Section Long
32-bit (4-byte) numbers ranging in value from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Section Double
A data type that holds double-precision floating-point numbers as 64-bit numbers in the range -1.79769313486231E308 to -4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values; 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 for positive values
Section Boolean
Has one of two values usually denoted true and false or yes and no.
Section Auto Extracted
Automated data capture shows if the field is populated from extracted data.
Section Multi-value
The attribute can have more than one value. Each value is stored as a unique value but displayed as a single value with commas between each value.
Displays as:
First, Red, Fruit
Section Protected Personal Information (PPI) / Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Protect PPI/PII by identifying which attributes contain personal information. PPI and PII are interchangeable currently.
Section Copy Settings from Another Attribute
You can copy the settings from another attribute from the catalog or from the new attribute page. Using the drop down in the header of the new attribute page select the attribute you would like to copy. Name the new attribute and add a description (optional) then save the new attribute. All other settings will already be set.
Section Catalog
A grid view of all attributes and the properties that define the attribute.
Section My Attributes
My Attributes are those attributes created by the Workspace Administrator for the project that are not System Attributes. Custom attributes are listed in the navigation panel under ‘My Attributes’. The configuration of an attribute is displayed in a grid in the Attributes Catalog. The configuration of the attribute can also be accessed by selecting the attribute from the navigation panel.
Section System Attributes
System Attributes are those attributes the system creates by default. You can add them to your search grid or to the data entry panel as read only values.
System Attributes include the following:
§ Id – database unique identifier for each record
§ BoxId – the database unique identifier for box records
§ ImageId – the database unique identifier for image records
§ Barcode – the barcode associated with the box and image records. This can be a barcode that is scanned into or generated by WIB™ Capture
§ Collection – this is the collection the box and images are captured under while processing records on the WIB™ Unit or with a mobile device in WIB™ Mobile.
§ DateCreated – this is the date the record is created in the database.
§ ImageType – this attribute shows the image type of the Image. This is one of the seven (7) array photos (front, back, left, right, top, or aerial) and/or the image types chosen by the operator as manifest, content (WIB™ Mobile), standard, stadium, file, and document. The operator can take more than one of the designation image types. Designation image types are preceded by a 3-digit sequential number.
§ Name – Workspace Name
§ Project – this is the project the box/images were captured under while processing records on the WIB™ Unit or with a mobile device in WIB™ Mobile.
§ RecordType – this shows if the record in the database is a box record or image record. This allows for one-to-many relationships for the box to files, box to images, files to images.
§ Session – this is the session (batch) identifier having records processed on a WIB™ Unit or on a mobile device using WIB™ Mobile. The session naming convention is as follows:
§ Text – this attribute is where the OCR text results are stored in Solr.
§ Shingle – this is the word-based n-gram. For information about Shingles and n-grams refer to the Glossary.
§ NoteDateCreated – the date the note(s) for a session, box, and/or image are created.
§ NoteText – the textual content of a note for a session, box, and/or image.
§ NoteUser – the user who created the note.
§ ScanLocation – the longitude and latitude of the location where the records are captured.
§ Operator – the user who works the WIB™ Unit for processing records in a session.
§ Device – identification of the WIB™ Unit used to capture the session. Each WIB™ receives an identifier when manufacturing is complete.
§ ExtractedBarcodes – a list of all barcodes read from the imagesSection Move Attribute Data to another Attribute
There may come a time when you want to reduce the number if attributes or change the name of an attribute or one of the settings of the attribute. Moving data to another attribute allows you to do this without having to re-run the data extraction. Select Move Data and complete the Move attribute data dialog.
Section Collection
First identify the collection the current and new attribute field are located within.
Note: Attribute data can only be moved within a single collection and not across collections.Section Source Attribute
The attribute the data is being moved from.
Section Destination Attribute
The attribute the data is moving to.
Section Move Action – Append or Replace
Append will add the data to the end of the attribute field. This is important if the field is already in use in a regex or list and has data populated in the field. Replace will replace any data that already exists in the field.