Section 10.2 Automation

Section 10.2 Automation

Section 10.2    Automation

Automation describes a wide range of technologies that reduce human intervention in processes. Human intervention is reduced by predetermining decision criteria, sub-process relationships, and related actions — and embodying those predeterminations in machines. Automation in WIB Review is achieved through Lists, Regular Expressions and Workflows.

Section 10.2.1                   Lists

Section 10.2.1              Overview

The Overview explains Lists and how they are created in WIB Review. You can refer to the Overview to understand lists, their properties, sources and how they are used to automate data extraction.

Section             New

Allows you to create a new list from the navigation tree.

Section                 List Types

Section      Comma Separated Value File (CSV)

You can import a CSV file that contains a list of terms with associated values like synonyms, acronyms or values for other attributes in your project. See CSV import process for instructions on importing a CSV List.

Section     Website Data Scrape  (Roadmap)

You can create a link to a website and schedule data updates from the site. The following use case is a good example of where a website data scrape is recommended:

Project Scope: A litigation case where legal discovery involves searching for opioid drugs in the data.
Problem: Creating a curated list of prescription drugs and those that are classified as an opioid.
Web Scrape Solution: Find a comprehensive public curated list and creating a web scrape.

Section      Database Connection  (Roadmap)

You can create a database connection to pull data from a database on your intranet. This will require configuration with your Database Administrator.

Section     Box Content

You can create a list directly from terms and phrases found in your records. This is ideal if you do not know anything about the records. Each term/phrase is present in the list based on the number of times the term occurs in the records in descending order exposing the terms and phrases that occur most often. Refer Box Content List creation for further instructions.

Section      Manual List Creation

Manually create a list like creating an excel spreadsheet list of terms. Name the list, supply a description, and select save. The new empty list is created with the attributes in your workspace. Add Phrases to the list and Hide Phrases that do not add value. Once a phrase is added to the list you can assign other values to the attributes in your list.

Section     Import a List from the Library

The library has previously curated industry lists. You can import a list from the library into your project as a starting point. You can edit the list once it is imported into your project. Refer to List Library Import for further instructions.

Section             Catalog

A grid view of all lists and the properties that define each list.

Section             My Lists

Listing of lists in the navigation tree. You can select a list to edit the properties.

Section             WIB Library - Lists

Section                  Overview

The Overview explains the List Library. You can search the list library based on the industry. You can choose which industry lists appear in the navigation tree for the WIB Library.

Section                 Catalog

A grid view of all lists in the library and the properties that define each list.

Section                 Save to Library

This feature is only available to Radix Data System Administrators. Please send an email to if you would like us to curate a list for your industry/department and add it to the library.

Section             Import CSV File

Section                 Create the CSV file

The following details the steps for creating a CSV file for import into WIB™ Review if you chose not to use a curated list from the Library.

Section      Open a spreadsheet

 (Excel, Google sheets, Apple Works, etc.)

Section     Label Phrase Column

The phrase column should have the phrase you want the system to find. You do not have to label the column Phrase. You can always associate one column as the phrase column. However, the system will automatically recognize that column when importing the CSV.

Section     Label the added Columns

Label the column(s) based on the information you enter for each column. It is suggested each column matches an attribute field in WIB Review if you want to include the information as an attribute for records. See the example provided.

Save the spreadsheet as a CSV

1)        From the File Menu in the ribbon select Save As.

2)      Give your spreadsheet a name. In the figure below, the spreadsheet is named County Lookup – All States.

3)      Using the drop-down menu, select the file type as CSV (Comma-separated values) (*.csv)

4)      Navigate to the location you want to save the file by selecting Browse. Remember the location since you will need to import the file into WIB Review from the same location.

5)      Select Save.

Section 10.2.
Select Create List from CSV Card

Reminder the Create List from CSV card is under Configuration Management, Automation, List, + New List

Section               CSV List Wizard

The wizard will guide you through the process of importing a CSV file.

Section     Input Details

Section          List Name

This is the name that will appear in the navigation tree. This name should be short and descriptive.

Section          List Description

The description allows you to describe what the list holds and how it will be used for automation. This is only visible on the List View/Edit Page.

Section          Upload CSV File

Select the File Upload button. A dialog box will appear click on Select Files… and navigate to the location where you saved the CSV and select the CSV. You can also drag and drop the file onto the dialog. The file will automatically upload once selected or dropped on the dialog.

Section    Import Phrases

Once the CSV is uploaded you must note if the list has headers and which column holds the phrase being looked for.

Section          List has Headers

By selecting My data has headers, the system will use the headers as the labels for the columns.

Section          Phrase Column

If you have already labeled the column holding the phrase the system will automatically show that column as the phrase column. If it is not labeled as the Phrase column, use the drop down to select which column holds the phrase being looked for.

You must, at a minimum, link the phrase column to an attribute. If you would prefer an end user to assign the attribute value, we suggest linking the phrase column to the keywords attribute. All phrases from the list that are found will be extracted into the keywords attribute. If your list has other attribute values, you would like populated from the list link those columns to attributes in the system. You can use the drop down to find which attribute is mapped to the data in the CSV.

Section    Review Import

The settings for the new list will be presented for review. You can see which column has the phrase being looked for, the attribute(s) other columns are mapped to, the total phrase count and if any of the data has duplicates. It is important to note that if there are duplicate values the associated field(s) will be combined into a list separated by columns. For example, thirty-one (31) states have Washington County. If you were to link the state from the CSV to an attribute labeled State, the State attribute would display the following list with each value separated by a comma.




Section             Setup a Web Scrape (Roadmap)

Currently, this feature can only be configured by Radix Data. If you would like to have a web scrape setup, please contact Radix Data at

Section            Connect to a Database (Roadmap)

Currently, this feature can only be configured by Radix Data. If you would like to have a database connection setup, please contact Radix Data at You will need to include the database administrator and/or IT in the communication for the setup.

Section             Create a List from Box Content

This feature is beneficial if you have no information about the record(s) being processed. This feature is intended for use when you are not completely sure what the records hold. This can be beneficial during the due diligence review phase of a company merger/acquisition, asset acquisitions/divestitures, or when the content is so old the context or inventory does not yield enough information to figure out the content.

Phrases are presented based on the frequency with which they are found in the OCR. N-grams (phrases containing n number of words) are displayed in expanding form building on the initial term to create the desired phrase. The user can filter which OCR text is included in the builder.


Section                 Refining Box Content List Builder Results

You can refine the phrases in the Content Builder through a search or through the filter features listed below

You can reduce the scope of the builder by performing a search if you are interested in specific content. You can continue to run searches until all suspected phrases are found. This is ideal if you know what you are looking for.

Section     Refine Results via Filter Features

If you are starting with a complete unknown, it is suggested using the filter features to break the data into more digestible chunks. You can


 Section          Collection Filter

Narrow the scope by focusing on a collection of records in the project. This will only work if the record set is broken into collections.

Section          Session

Narrow the scope to a smaller data set by processing records for a single session.

Section          Starts With

Process regards according to the first letter or first few letters.

Section          First Word Min Characters

The average word length in the English Dictionary is 4.7 characters. Words with five (5) or more characters, on average, are weighted more than those with fewer characters regardless of how often they occur. Changing the character length returns higher value terms.

Section          First Word Min Alpha Characters

Terms have numerical values. For instance, H2O is the chemical formula for water. You can also filter out those terms that do not have a minimum number of alpha characters.

Section          Minimum Frequency

There is no need to review terms that only occur one (1) time in the OCR. Similarly, you may not want to review terms that do not occur less than one hundred (100) times.

Section          Image Filter

Records are stored in boxes. Most archive boxes have the word box. You may decide that only the images related to the content of a box have the most valuable terms. You can limit the results to the images of content and exclude container images.

Section          Sort Order

Frequency and count are two different numerical values related to terms. Count stands for the total number of times a term occurs regardless of whether it occurs ten (10) times in a single record. Frequency finds how often the term occurs across the entire population but excludes repetition within a record. In the example supplied the frequency of the term is one (1) and the count is ten (10) if it occurred ten (10) times in only one document.

Section       Include/Show stop Words

Stop words are inherently excluded from the Phrase builder but you have the choice of showing stop words that may occur in a Phrase. For example, Authority for Expenditure has the stop word for in the middle of the Phrase. The Phrase builder excludes for from the analytics of the phrase. It is included as part of the Phrase when added to the list of terms.

Section       Show Included/Excluded Words in Results

You can view any words that have been excluded from the results to add them back to the results.

Section             Filter Results Operators

OperatorUsage Guidelines
is equal toValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column matches the value in the filter.
is not equal toValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column does not match the value in the filter.
is nullValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Do not specify a value. The operator tests only for the absence of data in the column. Results include only records where there is no data in the column.
is not nullValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Do not specify a value. The operator tests only for the presence of data in the column. Results include only records where there is data in the column.
contains allValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column contains all of the values in the filter.
does not containValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value or multiple values. Results include only records where the data in the column does not contain any of the values in the filter.
starts withValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column begins with the value in the filter.
ends withValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Specify a single value. Results include only records where the data in the column ends with the value in the filter.
is emptyValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. An empty string is used to point to a unique string with zero length where NULL is used to refer to nothing. Results include only records where string with zero length.
is not emptyValid for a column that contains text, numbers, or dates. Do not specify a value. The operator tests only for the presence of data in the column. Results include only records where there is data in the column.

Section                  List Grids

There are three grids on the List Builder: Phrases, Search Results, and Related Phrases. A description of each along with how they are used to build a list are described below.

Section             Phrase List

As you add terms to the list, they appear in the Phrases List. These are the terms the system will find automatically when the phrase is found in the OCR. You can have these phrases populate an attribute or you can have the phrases populate a keyword field. Keywords can be helpful when searching for records but are not needed as part of the record index.

Section            Search Results List

These are the phrases that match the criteria of the search parameters. As you refine the search criteria the phrases are filtered. The search results are listed in order by the first term, the beginning word, and then expanded upon with each successive word. Phrases are capped at 5 words. You can choose whether to show words that you have excluded from the search results and/or those words that have already been added to the list.

Section                Show/Hide Included Words

To see only those phrases that you have not included in your list turn off the Included Words.

Section                Show/Hide Excluded Words

To see only those words that you have not excluded from the list turn off the show excluded words.

Related phrases are those that have the selected term from either the phrase list or the search results. Related phrases list all the other phrases having the selected term and/or phrase. This can help expose terms you might want to find but did not know where in the records being processed.

Section         Including Phrases

Once you find a phrase you want the system to find for each record having the phrase, use the select box in the Search Results or Related terms to check it and then select include from the list where the term was selected.

Section            Excluding Phrases

You may find phrases that occur often in the OCR but are of no importance and become noisy when reviewing term clusters. You can prevent these from appearing in the analysis by selecting the Phrase from the Search Results and Excluding the phrase. You can always add a Phrase back to the list if it is later figured out to have value.

Section          Associating Synonyms

WIB supports stemming however, you may want to manually include terms that are similar in structure and the same in meaning. For example, Authority for Expenditure means the same thing as Authorization for Expenditure. The stemming will find the two different values, but you can also add the synonym to the term. You can select a term from the list and a term from the Related phrases and then select synonym and the related phrase will be added as a synonym to the phrase in the list.

Section            Associating Acronyms

Phrases are commonly referred to by the Acronym of the term. Taking the example from the synonyms Authorization for Expenditure is commonly referred to as AFE. You can also associate the acronym for a term when adding it to a list.

Section           Manually Create a List in WIB Review

You can create a list manually directly into WIB Review without viewing the results from the OCR or creating a separate Comma-separated Values (CSV) File. The process is like creating a CSV.

Section                Input Details

Name the list and a description.

Section               Show Columns needed for list

Use the column selector to show those needed for the list and to hide those that are not needed.

Section                Add a Phrase

Select Add a Phrase for each value you want to add to the list.

Section               Manually Enter Phrases

Enter the phrase and associated metadata. Notice the same attributes in the grid are present in the input dialog.

Section                Add Phrases from Box Data

Refer to Create a List from Box Content for instructions on adding phrases from box data to a manually created list.

Section            Import a List from the Library

WIB Review has a library of lists. You can import a list into your project from the library to save time. These lists are public information that we have compiled. They are separated by industry and the names are descriptions of the content.

Section 10.2.2                Regex

A Regex or regular expression (sometimes called a rational expression) is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern, mainly for use in pattern matching with strings, or string matching. Regular expressions are a generalized way to match patterns with sequences of characters. Examples of Regular Expressions include Dates, Phone Numbers, Social Security numbers all of which follow a pattern. WIB™ has a library of Regular Expression that can be ingested into a Taxonomy. We suggest you have a general knowledge of using Regular Expressions to use this feature of WIB™ or contact us for profession services to setup data extraction using Regular Expressions.

Section             Overview

The Overview explains Regular Expressions (Regex) and how they are created in WIB Review.

Section            New

Allows you to create a new regex from the navigation tree.

Section                 Regex Name

Name the regex. Make sure the name is short but descriptive.

Section                Regex Description

Use the description to supply more insight about the regular expression.

Section                Regex Pattern

Enter the Regex Pattern for WIB Review to match in the OCR. If you are not familiar with Regular Expression, contact us at and we can build a regex for you. You can also contact your IT department for help if you have staff familiar with regex.

We have provided a link to Regex 101 to create and debug your regex expressions (patterns) prior to adding them to your project or you can leverage the Regex Tester in WIB™ Review.

Section     Flavor

Select Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE (PH <7.3)) as the flavor to build and test your regular expression. This is the language recognized by WIB Review. Please refer to the PCRE Cheat Sheet in the Appendix for quick reference to meta-characters and the corresponding description for how the character is defined.

Section                Capture Group(s) Replacement

There are some circumstances that require the regular expression to include a character or word to make a regular expression a unique pattern but that does not mean the unique character or word is a desired result in the attribute. The Capture Group Replacement allows you to write the regular expression with the replace feature.

Example: Phone number containing parenthesis and dashes.


Section                Attribute Assignment

Assign the extracted value to an attribute using the drop-down menu. You must assign a capture group for the extracted value. The default value is {0} if you are not using capture groups. If using capture groups, specify the capture group needed for the extraction. Capture Groups must be enclosed by curly brackets {}.

Section                How to create Match-only value

Set a value for an attribute if a pattern is found. This means the system will not extract the value from the OCR but will match the pattern and place the Match-Only value in the attribute. For example, if the regex finds an email address pattern it can set the document type to ‘Email’ and does not extract the email address. Enter the text “email” instead of the capture group in the format string field for the Attribute Assignment.

Section            Regular Expression Test Area

A user can test the Regex prior to implementing the Regex in a Taxonomy. There are two test features using 1) sample text and 2) using live data.

Section                  Sample Text Test

Type or copy and paste text to test the regular expression on into the test area and select test. The results from the test are shown below the sample text area.

Section                 Live Data Test

Prior to using the Live Data Test, it is suggested and best practice to know a Project, Collection and Session containing the pattern data.

The live data for demonstrating the same regular expression test from above is used in the following figures. The highlighted section shows the same result from the sample test.


Section            Catalog

You can refer to the Catalog to see a list of regular expressions, their properties, and how they are used to automate data extraction.

Section            My Regexes

Navigation Tree with each of the regexes used in your workspace. You can edit a regex by selecting the regex from the navigation tree.

Section            WIB Library – Regex

The library holds commonly used regular expressions. You can add regexes from the library to your projects.

Section                Overview

Explanation of regexes and how they are used to extract data from the OCR.

Section                Catalog

A grid view of all lists in the library and the properties that define each list.

Section                Save to Library

This feature is only available to Radix Data System Administrators. Please send an email to if you would like us to curate a list for your industry/department and add it to the library.

Section 10.2.3                  Taxonomy

A Taxonomy in WIB is the combination of lists and regular expressions and how they are used to classify records.

Section             Overview

Explains what a taxonomy is and how it is used in WIB Review.

Section            New

Create a new Taxonomy from the Navigation Tree.

Section                Taxonomy Name

Name the taxonomy. Make sure the name is short and succinct.

Section                Taxonomy Description

Use the description to supply more insight into taxonomy. This is very important for rolling back a Taxonomy. The description is provided in the Taxonomy History.

Section                Available Lists

Supplies a list of all Lists in the workspace that can be used in the taxonomy.

Section                Applied Lists

A list of the Lists used in the taxonomy,

Section                Available Regexes

Supplies a list of all the Regexes in the workspace that can be used in the taxonomy

Section               Applied Regexes

A list of the Regexes used in the taxonomy,

Section                Save

Save simply saves the current settings for the Taxonomy. A saved version is not deployed (published) for the system to start using.

Section               Save and Deploy

Saves and deploys the taxonomy which makes it active in the system.

Section               Deploy

Deploys a taxonomy that has been saved only or where edits have been made to a previously deployed taxonomy.

Section            Revisions

Shows all the earlier versions of a taxonomy that have been deployed.

Section Restore a Previous Deployment of a Taxonomy

If the editing of a taxonomy creates undesirable results, you can always redeploy an earlier version of the taxonomy.

Section            Catalog

A grid view of all the taxonomies and the properties that define each taxonomy such as which list(s) and/or regex(es) are part of the taxonomy.

Section           My Taxonomies

Listing of Taxonomies in a navigational tree view. You can select a Taxonomy to edit the properties.


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