Section 6 Review

Section 6 Review


Review provides end users the ability to access records to review the quality of images and automated data extraction with a workflow to steer new records through a process. Users can edit/update attributes, create tags, mark records for multichannel distribution to different workflows, inspect the OCR in-line with an entire record or a specific image within a record.

Section 6.1       Review Filters

Different filters can be applied to the Review Results. These filters are automatically applied based on how a user accesses the Review Page.

You can perform a search which will filter the records in review. Once the search is complete select one of the records from the results to be directed to the record in Review.

You can also go directly to review and have access to all the records you may access. There are no filters applied to the results. We suggest accessing records from a search to minimize the total dataset.

Section 6.1.3                  Open New Items in Review  (Roadmap)

To review only newly added items, select New from WIB Review Home Page.

Section 6.1.4                  Open Tasks in Review  (Roadmap)

To process workflow tasks assigned to a user, select the My Tasks from WIB Review Home Page.

Section 6.1.5                  Open Quality Control Items in Review (Roadmap)

To go directly to items that have quality control flags for reprocessing or secondary quality check after curative process, select the Quality Control Page, search for quality control tags, or select the QC tab in the Search Navigation Tree.

Section 6.2       Tiles

A user can select which Tiles are displayed on the review page. If there are no tiles selected for a user, the Review page will display the following message, “You have no tiles enabled. This area will be empty until you select some tiles to display.” To configure the tiles to display, select the Configure Tiles in the

Section 6.2.1                   Box Attributes Tile

Displays the data for a given box or image based on the view. If the viewer is in Box Level mode the attributes will display the aggregate attributes for all the images in a single box record. If the viewer is in Image Level mode the attributes for the image are displayed.

Section 6.2.2                  Box Notes Tile

Displays the notes for the box or image based on the viewer display mode of box or image.

Section 6.2.3                  Box System Attributes

System attributes include system-controlled metadata.

Section 6.2.4                   Regex Matches

When the viewer is in image mode, the Regex Matches tile will display the regular expression matches for the active image.

Section 6.2.5                   Barcodes

Displays the barcodes extracted from the images for a box or image based on the viewer display mode box or image.

Section 6.2.6                  Image Strip

Displays the thumbnails of the image for a given container in a navigation enable strip.

Section 6.2.7                  Image Viewer

Required to view the image and/or OCR text. The toggle switches the image viewer from image to text.

Section 6.2.8                  QR Code

Displays a QR code to either append or replace a box. This is a function of quality control. The QR code holds all the information for the WIB™ Unit to create an append or replace session for any given image or box in a specific Collection and Project. This streamlines the process of appending and/or replacing specific images or boxes.

Section 6.2.9                   Custom View

The user can customize the tiles that are present, the order and size of each tile and save those settings. To customize the tiles select Configure Tiles in the top left corner. Select which tiles will be displayed. To reorder or change the size of the tiles, unlock the tiles see Adjustable Display Tiles). You can now modify the location and size of each tile. Make sure you Lock the Display Tiles after customization.

Section 6.3       Pop-Out Image Viewer Tile

The user can pop-out the Image Viewer tile if they have multiple monitors. This allows the user to view the images on a separate screen and customize the tiles, so the information is larger. Remember when you launch WIB™ Review the settings are saved. To dock the Image Viewer, select the Disable Image Viewer Pop-Out.

Section 6.4      Navigation Tree List

List of the records sorted to meet the criteria from a search, newly added items, or open tasks. If you access Review directly from the Page Navigation Drawer, the navigation tree has all the records in the system you may access.

Section 6.5      Adjustable Display Tiles

The Review page can be arranged to each user’s preference. You can rearrange the image strip, image view, attribute, notes, barcodes, and work history tiles in a single view. To arrange the Tiles, unlock the tile lock. Resize the tiles or rearrange them until you are satisfied with the position and size of each tile.

Section 6.6      Image Strip

Carousel of the images in the record. You can navigate through the images in a record using the image strip arrows or using the key binds.

Section 6.6.1     Image Strip Navigation Key binds:

  Left arrow key – navigate to the image on the left

  Right arrow key – navigate to the image on the right

Section 6.7      Image Viewer & Image Viewer Controls

There are zoom settings, search result settings, OCR highlights, image, and text feature sets in the Image Viewer.

Section           Zoom In

Zoom in as close as needed to inspect the image.

Section          Zoom Out

Zoom out until the entire image is visible. The Zoom out feature stops when the height and width of the image are visible to the viewer.

Section          Fit to Height

Fits the image to the height of the image in the viewer.

Section          Fit to Width

Fits the image to the width of the image in the viewer.

Section 6.7.2                  Text Feature Set

The text feature set allows the end user to view the OCR text by itself or as an overlay on the image as it is positionally found using the Show/Hide Image.

Section          Show Positional Text Overlay with Image

This allows the user to see where the OCR text is found in position on the image. The OCR in-line does not reveal to the end user where the text is found on the image. Make sure Text Overlay is active. To view the OCR text without bounding boxes turn off the boxes text feature.

Section         Show/Hide Image with Text

The user can choose to hide the image and view the OCR text positionally without the image or view the OCR text positionally as an overlay on the image.

Section         View OCR In-Line

The OCR text is shown left aligned with a new line for each successive line of text in the OCR. This does not show the user where in the image the text was round. See Image/Box Toggle.

Section 6.7.3                  OCR Text Settings Feature Set

You can turn on/off or show/hide the image viewer OCR text features, adjust the color of the OCR text and the bounding box for the OCR.

Section          Set OCR Highlight Color

Use the drop-down to select the highlight color for OCR text when it is overlaid on the image.

Section         Set OCR Text Color

Use the drop-down to select the text color for OCR text when it is overlaid on the image.

Section         Set the Attribute Highlight Color  (Roadmap)

Use the drop-down to select the highlight color for OCR text that is extracted as part of a list or regular expression. You can set a distinct color for each attribute as well as specify the color for a specific list or regular expression.

Section         Set the Attribute Text Color  (Roadmap)

Use the drop-down to select the text color for OCR text that is extracted as part of a list or regular expression. You can set a distinct color for each attribute as well as specify the color for a specific list or regular expression.

Section 6.7.4                  Image Viewer Controls

The Image Feature Set has all the tools to review the image and consists of zoom in/out, image pan, image rotation and the ability to hide the image and show the OCR in the position the characters are found on the image.

Section          Rotate an Image

The user can rotate the image, so the text is reading the right way. Once the image is rotated it is automatically saved in the new position. The user can always rotate the image back to its original position. In some images, the text is in different orientations. The operator capturing the image will capture the image in the orientation so that most of the text is in the right reading position. See Section Image Rotation for enabling auto-rotation in the Collection configuration.

Note: WIB™ Capture performs OCR on the new orientation for an image when the image is saved after manual rotation. The OCR for automated rotation is performed during the photo pipeline process immediately after upload.

Section         Custom Zoom

The user can change the default zoom for the image.

Section         Image Scroll

The user can use the scroll bars in the viewer so that the desired part of the image is in view.

Section 6.7.5                  Show Image or Box Record OCR Toggle

Show the OCR for the entire record or the OCR text for the image to the viewer.

Section 6.7.6                   Navigation Feature Set

You can navigate from one record to the next using the record navigation arrows or hotkeys. First and Last Record navigation can only be performed using the record navigation arrows.

Section           Navigation Hotkeys

CTRL + Left Arrow Key - Previous Record (takes the user to the previous record)

CTRL + Right Arrow Key - Next Record (takes the user to the next record)

Section 6.7.7                  Search in Review

Switch from Image View to OCR Text view and activate the Search Bar, select Ctrl+F (shortcut key for Find). The search bar will appear at the bottom left of the Review page. Enter the word(s) or phrases to search for and select the appropriate results options: Highlight All, Match Case, Match Diacritics (phonetic characters i.e., ā ē ī ō ū ǖ long vowels), and Whole Word Matches)

Section           Perform a search on the OCR

You can search the OCR in a record. Perform a search from the search bar. Each occurrence of the term will be highlighted in the record.

To advance to the next occurrence in the OCR for a specific image select the next (down ˅) highlight button. To find the earlier occurrence of the term select the previous (up ˄)  highlight button.

Section          Navigate to the next image in the search result

To advance to the next image with the term in the OCR select the next button of the search bar. To find the earlier image where the term occurs of the, select the previous button of the search bar.

Section 6.8       Search OCR Custom Highlighting (Roadmap)

You have the choice of changing the color of the highlight color and the OCR text color. You should choose contrasting colors for the highlight and text. For example, if the highlight color is black choose a light color text such as white. You can find these settings in the OCR settings menu.

Section 6.8.1                   Highlight Search Text

Customize the highlight and text color from a search performed on the OCR.

Section 6.8.2                  Highlight Attribute Text

Highlight the text for extracted attributes. This requires the configuration of a list and/or a regular expression.

Section 6.9      Action Feature Set (Roadmap)

Action features either elicit an action or call for an action to be taken. Elicit actions include tags and notes where a QC Flag is a call to action.

Section 6.9.1                  QC Flag  (Roadmap)

The QC Flag allows the reviewer to communicate with the operator capturing the images to either reprocess or append, add to, a specific image and/or record. The QC Flag sends a message to the operator. We encourage the quality review process to occur within 24 hours of the record appearing on the review platform. The QC flag requires a message to convey the information as well as an action request. The following actions can be requested: add image, replace image. Do not use the QC flag to show the condition of a record that cannot be corrected through adding to the record or reprocessing the record. Record conditions should be added as a tag or a note to the record.

Section          Tag a Record/Image (Roadmap)

A user can add a tag to a record. Tags can be public or private. Tags allow users to mark records with a commonality. Private tags can only be viewed by the user that added the tag. A private tag can be made public if needed.

Section 6.10      Add a Note to a Record/Image

A note can be added to a record. Notes are always public and convey something that is observed about a record. Notes are condensed comments or explanations that are preserved as informal metadata. Notes should be used to supply context and communicate other information to other users. Each note is recorded with the name of the user who created the note and the date the note was created along with the note.

Section 6.11      Print (Roadmap)

The print feature, by default, is disabled. The administrator can allow end users, groups, or users with a specific role to print records. Please contact your administrator for access to this feature.

Section 6.12            Attributes

The system has two groups of attributes, extracted and user defined. Extracted attributes are those that are automatically recognized by WIB Review from a Phrase List or a Regular Expression and those that a user accepts as correct from the Extracted value or are manually entered into the Review Page. The administrator can require all extracted attributes to be verified prior to accepting them as the user defined attributes. This can be changed if the confidence level of the extracted values satisfies the accuracy set forth by the administrator. The attributes tile has the following feature sets:  attribute tile settings, workflow button settings, record/image/attribute type visibility, and attribute editing.

Section 6.12.1                   Attribute Tile Settings

The attribute tile is where users can view, edit, and accept extracted values as well as advance records in a workflow. Each user can customize the view to show or hide extracted, user defined, or system attributes, and decide the number of rows to display scrolling for multi-value fields. The user can also opt to show the Notes Tile and/or the Work History Audit.

Section 6.12.2                  Visibility (Roadmap)

Users may prefer to see only some or all the attributes. The user can also decide which type of attribute is shown; extracted, user defined, or both.

Section          Extracted Attributes (Roadmap)

The extracted values are populated by WIB Review based on values in a Phrase List or based on a regular expression. You can choose to show or hide these values during review.

Section         User Defined Attributes (Roadmap)

User defined attributes are either manually entered by a user or are accepted extracted values. You can choose to show or hide these values during review.

Section         System Attributes

System attributes are metadata the system either automatically extracts or assigns the value to a field. System attributes include but are not limited to dates (creation, from date, to date, modified date), or the user who edits an attribute value to name a few. The administrator does not need to configure the system to capture these values.

Section         Multi-value Attribute Maximum Entries

The user can decide how many values to show in a multi-value field without a scroll bar. Multi-value fields that exceed the number of displayed rows will have a scroll bar. This is beneficial for fields like keywords where there may be many values.

Record Attributes hold the metadata for the entire record. When performing a search, the user can turn off record attributes and return only those images that meet the search criteria or the records and images. The same can be done in review. To view the Attributes for the record, the setting should be set to the Box Record.

Section 6.12.4                  Image Attributes in Review

Image Attributes hold the metadata found on the image. When performing a search, the user can turn off record attributes and return only those images that meet the search criteria. The same can be done in review. To view the Attributes for the image, the setting should be set to Image.

Section 6.12.5                  PII Attributes (Roadmap)

Some records have attributes that do not require review, or the user does not need to see the attribute. Administrators can set permissions to each attribute and the user can decide which attributes to display in the Review Attribute Tile. To show an attribute make sure the attribute visibility checkbox is selected. To hide the attribute, uncheck the attribute visibility checkbox.

Section 6.12.6                  Editing Attributes

End users can edit user defined attributes. Turn on edit mode to enable the editing function. If you cannot edit an attribute, it is because user, group, and role permissions define which attributes a user can edit. Contact your administrator if you need editing capabilities for an attribute. All extracted values are read only. To edit attributes, turn on edit mode.

Section          Single Value Fields

Editing single value fields changes the value of the field. You cannot have more than one value in a single value field.

Section        Multi-Value Fields (Roadmap)

Editing multi-value fields adds values or appends them to the other values already present. To add a value, select the + button. To change a value that is already there simply edit the value in the field box. You can also remove a value by selecting the delete button.

Section         Mass Accepting of Extracted Values

Extracted values can be accepted which means they become the user defined attribute. User defined attributes are those that have been reviewed and accepted as correct or manually entered by a user. A user can accept multiple extracted values by selecting the check box for each extracted value and then selecting accept. The user defined attributes will be populated by the extracted values.

Section        Append to current value(s)

If there are values already present in the field, you may want to append the values to the current value. Select Append in the dialog to append to the value(s). Duplicate values will not be populated in the field. It is important to note that this action is applied to all the selected attributes. If you want to append the values for certain attributes but replace values for others you will need to perform two different steps, one for appending and another for replacing the values.

Section         Replace current value(s)

If there are values already present in the field, you may want to replace the values. Select Replace in the dialog to replace the value(s). If you want to append the values for certain attributes but replace values for others you will need to perform two different steps, one for appending and another for replacing the values.

Section 6.12.7      Select and Copy Text to an Attribute                 

You can copy text directly to an attribute. Make sure you are in Image Mode and the Text and Boxes are active. Select the text on the image you want to copy to an attribute and right click to open the assignment menu then select the attribute you want to copy the text to. The copied text will replace the information in a single value field and will append the copied text to a multi-valued field.

The value is displayed in a confirmation dialog where the value can be edited prior to saving the value to the field.

Section 6.12.8                  Notes

The Notes Tile, by default, is not shown. To show the Notes Tile, select the Attribute Settings Tile and turn on the Notes Tile. Notes are an attribute however they are displayed in a separate tile.

Section          Add a Record Note

To add a note to the record, make sure the record index is turned on as well as the Notes Tile. Select the Add button. Type your note and select save.

Section         Add an Image Note

To add a note to the image, make sure the image index is turned on as well as the Notes Tile. Select the Add button. Type your note and select save.

Section 6.13           Custom Workflow Buttons (Roadmap)

Custom Workflow Buttons can be added to the attributes tile for advancing a record to the next step in a workflow. Refer to Custom Workflow Button Settings for configuration.

Section 6.13.1                  Custom Workflow Button Settings (Roadmap)

Administrators can set up custom buttons on the Review page to advance records from one step in a workflow to the next step. The configuration of those buttons is built into the Review Page under settings.

Section          Button Name (Roadmap)

The name of the button should be descriptive but short. For example, if the workflow is advancing a record from review to approval and then from approval to done then create a button named Reviewed for the first step and Approved for the last step.

Section         Set Workflow Attribute Value (Roadmap)

The button can set the value of an Attribute. For example, you may want an attribute named Workflow Step. The button would update the value of the attribute by appending the latest workflow step completed or overwrite the value with the last workflow step completed.

Section         Button Color (Roadmap)

The color of the button can be customized. You should choose contrasting colors for the button and text. For example, if the button color is black choose a light color text such as white.

Section         Button Text Color (Roadmap)

The color of the button text can be customized. You should choose contrasting colors for the button and text. For example, if the button color is black choose a light color text such as white.

Section         Authorized User Group

The administrator can restrict which users, groups or roles have access to custom buttons. This is beneficial when the workflow is hierarchical and users with lower privileges do not see the workflow buttons for a user, group, or role they do not belong to. This ensures the integrity of the workflow process.

Section        Record/Image/Specific Attribute Visibility

There are two levels of attributes in WIB Review. The record attributes and Image Attributes

Section 6.14           Work History Audit (Roadmap)

The Work History Audit is a read-only list of actions performed on a record and/or image. Any work performed on a record/image will appear in the audit from viewing a record to change metadata. The action is recorded as well as the user who performed the action as well as the date and time the action was performed. Currently, you need to create a ticket to receive a work history audit.

Section 6.15    Role-based Actions

There are actions that are only enabled for specific roles. These are all configurable. If you require access to one of these features contact your administrator.

Section 6.15.1                   Create Export Package

You can create an export package for the results of a search from the Review page similar to creating an export package from Search.  See Section Create Export Package.

Section 6.15.2                  Delete an Image

Select the delete image button from the top left corner of the review page to delete a specific image. The user will be prompted to type the name of the image to ensure that an image is not accidentally deleted. The confirmation “Yes” button is not active if the typed image name does not match.

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