Current Box Section of Message Center

Current Box Section of Message Center

Current Box

The Current Box Message center contains information pertaining to the current box being captured. The message center includes the Barcode, Current Action (Status), the number of images captured and the Total Time in the current box.


The current Auto Barcode or Scanned Barcode is displayed.


The current stage in the capture process is displayed. The Message Center displays the next stage in the process.


The total number of images for the box is shown

Time in Box

Shows the operator how long they have been in the current box.

Reset Box

Resets the images for the current box.  If the operator forgets to remove the lid or rotate the box this will reset the capture process for the box.

Box Note

This allows the operator to enter notes for the box. This can be anything from the condition of the box to target records being sought.

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