Message Center

Message Center

 Buttons in Current Session Message Box

The following buttons are present in the Current Session Message Box.

Session Note

This allows the operator to enter notes for the session. This can be anything from the condition of the box to target records being sought. The session note appears in the navigation pane in WIB™ Review.


The operator, upon completion of a session, can stop the session. This action will close the session and the audit log for the session. Please ensure that all containers belonging to the session are complete prior to stopping or “closing” the session. Should the operator need to step away from the apparatus and pause production, then do not select Stop but rather select Pause.


Pause places the WIB™ Unit in a resting state. The timer will stop but the session remains open. This allows the operator to perform other tasks, take a bio-break, go to lunch, etc. without being “on the clock”. Production reports report the amount of time an operator takes to process images and containers within a session. This allows for the operator to identify segments of time where production on the unit is suspended for a short time and then resumed without penalizing the operator when calculating the efficiency of their production throughput.

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