13 - Confirm Transfer

13 - Confirm Transfer

Previous Article: 12 - Close a Session

Confirm Transfer

Confirm Content to Transfer

Check ‘Content to Upload’ in the System Status of the Message Center to see that all content has been transferred. If there is still content to upload wait until ‘Content to Upload’ is has a value of 0. If the unit is being used off-line please refer to the Transfer Program article which explains how to transfer data and confirm upload when the unit is being used off-line.

Confirm Upload in Review Platform

Confirm which platform your company is using to review boxes processed using WIB. WIB has a review platform and plugins to other review platforms. You will find instructions for accessing the WIB Review Platform in this section. Please contact your IT department for instructions on accessing records processed using WIB for 3rd party review platforms.

Next Article: 12 - Close a Session

Offline Unit Article:

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